
Preparing for a debate

OBIETTIVO: Esprimere e argomentare le proprie opinioni con relativa spontaneità nell’interazione, su argomenti generali, di studio e di lavoro. DEBATE: a formal discussion on a particular matter in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward and which usually ends with a vote. STEPS   Step 1: Open PADLET and create […]

Future forms

Watch Saverio explaining the three main forms used to speak about the future. Download Video as MP4     You know there is one extra form to speak about future, don’t you???Especially for TIMETABLES…(orari ufficiali). What is it? Have a look at the image to read about ALL future tenses! (double click!) (FONTE: http://www.nspeak.com/newbasic/grammatica/nuova_pa21.htm) Now, […]

Engage unit 1: Family matters

OBJECTIVES: to revise vocab. related to FAMILY and RELATIONSHIPS to revise present simple and present progressive/continuous => Activity 1: vocab. (family members) Click HERE and do the interactive exercise. => Activity 2: vocab. (relationships) Click HERE and register using your school account (es. mario.rossi@iisagnoletti.it). Then do the given set! (Relationships) => Activity 3: grammar (comparative […]